Harlequin Mills & Boon Medical Romance Novels

Hitting the Big 35

No, that isn’t my age. It’s the number of my books published by Harlequin.

When I started writing for Harlequin just over 15 years ago I would have told you I would never be able to write 35 books. Either I couldn’t write or Harlequin wouldn’t want that many from me. To my surprise and great joy, I have reached 35 books. A number of writers have gone beyond that number twice over but I’m proud of my accomplishment. I don’t know if I will write another 35 but who knows it might happen. I have to say that I am proud of my stories.

It won’t be long before my granddaughters will be reading my work. I’m sure they will be hiding them behind a book in school. Maybe when their teachers try to remove them they will proudly say, “But my grandmother wrote that!”

Do you have something you have done that you thought you never would?

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