Harlequin Mills & Boon Medical Romance Novels

Sexy Vets by Amy Andrews

When thinking about this blog subject today I was trying to come up with something medical. Yes, I know, we don’t have to have a medical focus but I try to keep on message.

The thing is, I don’t really have a medical out at the moment. I do, however, have a book where the hero is a vet – my hot new Brazen, No More Mr. Nice Guy.


Subsequently we have scenes with animals – a male Cashmere Lop rabbit called Charlie and a sulphur crested cockatoo called Shakespeare, in particular. And another one that I won’t really talk about but let’s just say it makes me cry every time I read it!

And then there’s Mack. Who is a very sexy vet!

Add to that a drunken night of fruity cocktails, a sex list and two people who need rebound sex in the worse kind of way and you get a whole other book 🙂


But my point is….Sorry, where was I?

Oh yes…my point is – like doctors, vets can also be very sexy men. And women. I wrote a female vet in my novella, The Billionaire Claims His Wife, a few years back and who can forget Sharon Archer’s fabulous vet heroine, Caitlin, in her debut novel?

I also have a confession to make. I had the teeniest little crush on James Herriot from the All Creatures Great Small TV series when I was a girl. He was definite hero material to me! A man who’s good with animals? How can that not melt your heart (and your underwear) ?!

So now I want to know, vets, yes or no? Do they make good heroes or are they too “soft” and “wholesome” for those of you who like a bit of a badass hero?

23 thoughts on “Sexy Vets by Amy Andrews”

  1. When you first said Vet, I assumed your meant a veteran. I think a veterinarian (having to spell the word out makes me understand why you cut it short!) is as sexy as the person behind the title. Your picture and book cover prove that “VETS” can be and are sexy as all get out!

  2. Amy. I’ve met some oh-so-sexy vets. Hot, hot, hot. And add animals to the picture and well, what can I say? That’s printable anyway.

  3. Most definitely sexy! Like a doctor who loves children, a veterinarian obviously loves animals, and both of those traits are very attractive in a man! So happy that this book is soaring for you!

  4. I say yes to a vet. What’s not to love. James Herriot is a favorite of mine also. I have read and own all his books. I think I might need to write about one of those too.

  5. A man who can heal your precious fur child is incredibly sexy to me. A knight in a white coat who saves the day and breathes life in the shabby abandoned stray or aging golden lab will always win my heart!

  6. Definitely sexy – was thinking of adding a vet into one of my tales as well. We have a vet who wears these body hugging chaps whenever he comes to see my cows….just saying…good times.

  7. Amy, you’re such a honey mentioning my heroine vet, Caitlin! Thank you. I’m definitely a fan of vets as delicious heroes or heroines and I’m looking forward to your gorgeous Mack! He’s teetering on my eTBR – just need to eke out some time to spend reading!

    1. How could I not mention Caitlin and that book? Its was a smashing debut!
      And I hear you on that teetering pile – both e and print. I’d love a month to just catch up on my reading!

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