Harlequin Mills & Boon Medical Romance Novels

Olympics- Favourite moment?

I was going to talk about my latest book Her Motherhood Wish a duo with Scarlet Wilson’s The Bond Between Strangers, (click on either to see what reviewers have to say- I admit to being delighted with their comments), but watching the Olympic closing ceremony last night, I just had to blog about something that has given us so much to smile about over the last two weeks! (I will talk about our book and IVF next month when the book is on the shelves)

Funnily enough I was in Olympia (pictured below) where it all began last month and where the flame still starts from.  So- what was your favourite moment of the event?Image

I have so many- Andy Murray winning his gold, Mo Farrah’s smile as he takes an olympic double, Usain Bolt’s energy and charisma and speed, the male swimmers with their power and abs! (What abs!) The male divers with their courage and grace (btw if their costumes get any smaller they’ll be wearing thongs- not that I’m complaining!) And of course, Britain’s very own Jessica Ennis- the lady has it all!

As for last night’s closing ceremony, I loved the vid of John Lennon singing Imagine. I guess that encapsulates the games for me- so many countries competing but also cheering each other on. Imagine a world like that indeed.

Lastly I loved the rendition of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life- I defy anyone not to sing along when they hear that song- and wasn’t the Indian dancing fab and joyous?

Anne x

39 thoughts on “Olympics- Favourite moment?”

    1. Thanks, Fi
      I hate it when I see typos of my own. I type too fast sometimes for my brain. Don’t know what happened to the Aussie swimmers this year! But I have to admit I drooled over their toned bodies. I kept thinking, that’s the kind of body my hero has!
      Anne xx

  1. Anne, I feel a bit disconnected to these Olympics due to stuff that has been happening in my life but I always love the pomp that the Brits do so very well and the glimpses I saw of the opening and closing ceremonies were fabulous. My heart was in my mouth watching Australian, Sally Pearson cross the line in the athletics.

    1. I was so proud of the way everything was staged. I would have loved to be part of the after after party- the athletes looked as if they were having so much fun last night.

  2. Sadly I missed most of the sport, being on hols in Italy and a million miles away from any internet or tv connections. But I did love the opening ceremony and particularly seeing Tim Berners Lee inventor of the world wide web. A friend of mine was at school with him. Britain has so many brilliant people, we are very lucky.

    1. So many amazing people were involved in so many ways. I was a little anxious at the beginning of the opening ceremony but I needn’t have worried.
      I was amused and delighted when even the Queen got into the act.

  3. Hi Anne, lovely post. Best moments of the Olympics for me? Well they weren’t all sporting, because I had the privilege of seeing the Olympics come to my home town. We watched the flame pass though our local shopping centre, to roars of applause from a huge crowd. And central London has been full of supporters from all over the world. It’s been a lovely atmosphere, both in and out of the Park.

    The volunteers have been wonderful (they call them ‘Gamesmakers’ and yes, they really did make the games something special). On the way into the park, I heard one, who was sitting on a high chair with a megaphone, calling for a cheer for all of the different countries’ supporters as they passed by and getting one each time.

    I went to the Park three times, and didn’t queue once to get in – the servicemen and women who were on Security did their job efficiently and made sure that everyone was getting through quickly. They deserved every ‘thankyou’ they got, and I hope that they were able to see some of the sporting action as well.

    And the crowds were great. Everyone cheering for their own country, but generous in their support for others as well. One of my favourite moments was in the Basketball stadium, where during one of the breaks in play, they announced that they’d had a call from the Swimming pool, complaining that we were making too much noise. Then the ‘Clapometer’ flashed up on the wide screens and we all cheered until we were hoarse 🙂

    As you say, Britain definitely did us proud. And we’re not done yet. Already looking forward to the Paralympics!

    1. Everyone I know who was at the Olympics raved about the gamesmakers. I think there were about 40000 of them. I’m looking forward to the paralympics too- I wish that there were some way they could be on at the same time as the main event.

  4. it has been amazing, we watched it all on our telly, it would have been nice to see it more close up and personal but it was beyond our means. Wish we had known about the park though with the daily fee, we would have done that! Anyway we had the best seats in the house via the BBC and enjoyed ourselves so much! Loved the show jumping, dressage, diving, rowing, canoeing, sailing, gymnastics, swimming, judo, taekwondo, boxing, heptathlon, modern pentathlon, triathlon, all the running, jumping and throwing and anything else I have missed, lol. We have watched more sport in the last two weeks than we have ever watched (helps though that it was at home so no time difference) We always enjoy the olympics but this has been so special. I have felt so proud of our team and everyone who has had anything to do with organising these games you have all done us proud! I have never seen a games enjoyed by so many, with so many packed houses in all venues and such sport loving crowds! I’ll miss it, feel at a bit of a loose end today with nothing to watch but on the plus side I might get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!

    1. You saw a lot! I watched some of the three day eventing too and also the pentathalon- I think that’s the one that they had to ride shoot and swim. The only event I found a bit weird was the walk race- it didn’t look natural and so many collapsed at the end of the 50k. Talk about determination!

      1. hmmm yes the walk is a little strange only saw a bit of it near the end. Made me laugh when they were saying it was going to be a “sprint finish” lol, they are supposed to be walking!!!!

        1. Yes I found the sprint finish odd too. My daughter and I ended taking bets on who was going to be wheel chaired off. Not very sporting of us I know!
          Oh meant to say- the torch is still lit at the original Olympia for each games. I didn’t know that.

    2. Hi Sharon, they’re doing the daily ticket for the Park at the Paralympics as well. I’m not sure if there are any still available but it’s well worth a visit if you can make it. We got a free travelcard with the tickets – so we didn’t have to pay extra to use the Underground or the Javelin trains on the day of our visit.

      1. thanks Annie but we are in the North West and my husband’s two weeks off was for the Olympics by the time we realised about the park tickets it was too late to book, never mind, we had great seats anyway, lol and it was the experience of a lifetime whether it was in the flesh or not 🙂

        1. Ah – sorry Sharon. You certainly did get the best seats in the house, though – it was great to be there, but from the point of view of seeing what was going on I was coming home and watching the highlights on TV 🙂

  5. I thought the opening ceremony was fabulous. My favorite moments of the Olympics were those of good sportsmanship, when other athletes went out of their way to congratulate the winners.

    1. So did I Wendy. I was a bit worried at the beginning of the opening ceremony but I needn’t have been. It was brilliant. By the way did anyone see Chariots of Fire recently? Did you know the opening was filmed in St Andrews where my daughter goes to uni? Every time the music played I was almost moved to tears. The only thing I didn’t like about the games was when some athletes beat themselves up for not winning medals. I wished they would believe that even participating made them heros and heroines to the rest of us!

      1. Anonymous, I understand what you are saying about us being proud irrespective of whether they won or were just taking part but I think it just shows the mark of a good athelete they set themselves goals and if they don’t reach them they are disappointed in their own performance. I know a lot of them will have felt under added pressure being on home soil but the majority of them performed season’s or lifetime best performances and nobody can ask any more than that.

  6. I was Tom Daley’s own personal cheerleader on Saturday night and even offered to make him a Mills nd Boon hero. So proud of him and the way he conducts himself. My own personal hero.

    1. I held my breath when Tom went into the lead- even tho it was only for a few moments. Those divers are so brave. Who can fling themselves of a ten meter board and not think they are dicing with death?

      I think he’d make a pretty good M&B hero.

  7. Great stuff, Morag. The UK did a fabulous job hosting this event. And I love all that is track races -so I had my fill of great moments with these olympics. I am also very happy that nothing negative over-shadowed these good will games. I loved the South African man who competed with double prostheses.

    The Olympics brings out the best of us (though they did have to send some athletes home for doping and other odd things) Overall – our world class athletes did us all proud! The word dignity comes to mind.

  8. You’re thinking of Oscar Pretorius Lynne. I think there’s always been some controversy about him running in the main Olympics, but I don’t see why not.
    Did you see the photo of him and the little girl? Someone posted it on their facebook page but I can’t remember who it was. It’s a great photo.

    1. Its been all over facebook that story of Oscar with Ellie the little girl from Essex. I posted it from a regular email I received will try to post the link here
      http://www.dailygood.org/view.php?sid=293 hope it works, its a lovely read.

      My husband and I were having a conversation about Oscar Prestorius the other day when he was running. Personally I thought it was ridiculous that they are saying he cannont compete because he may be deemed to have unfair advantage because of what his “blades” are made of. Sorry but if any of the able bodied atheletes feel they are at a disadvantage running against a double amputee then they must not have too much faith in their own ability. 😦

        1. lol and I just copied what had been typed above instead of checking it myself on google first as I would normally do, oops 🙂

          1. To be fair to both of us, it’s a very unusual name. Pretorious is much more common in SA.

  9. I have really enjoyed the Olympics this summer. London, and Britain in general, have been a great host. I enjoy the water events the most. Rowing gave us beautiful views of the countryside England is so famous for. I, too, have been to Olympia. Amazing place. The only down side to the Olympics is that it will take me weeks to recover from the lack of sleep.

  10. Lovely blog, Anne! I’ve only caught tiny glimpses of the Olympics on our travels because of uncertain internet and tv, but my favourite moments are those where the sportsmanship and bravery of the competitors shine through.

    I did catch some of the rowing and the UK rowers did fabulously! And I caught some of the kayaking too – I have no idea how those competitors control those tiny bouncy craft in that wild water!

  11. Sometimes all that was needed was a glimpse- enough to get a measure of the skill and talent involved. I wonder what it must be like to train for four hard years(possibly longer) and then to fall I admire the athletes on some many levels. I try and remind myself of the effort they have to put in every day when I’m huffing and cursing at my spin class.

  12. It’s always the medal ceremonies for me esp when they shoot to the crowd and there is a proud mum and dad with tears streaming down their faces. I don’t care what country is up there on th podium, it’s just damn good to see such pride and the culmination of years if hard yakka.

    1. Late reply here, Amy

      It’s always so moving, isn’t it? But it’s not just the athletes that deserve the credit. Most of the families have sacrificed holidays, treats as well as time. Sharon Davies, speaking in one of the weekend supplements said that family holidays stopped when she was ten to accommodate her training!

  13. Gosh- so sorry I’m late in here! I’ve watched as much of the games as I could- and loved everything about them. I now know more than is healthy about diving, diving scoring, the amount of splash etc-, I cried along with the winners and the losers..and lost it every time an athlete silently said thank you to ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ and raised their eyes to heaven. I just watched the closing ceremony last night having recorded it and cried again…I’m getting way too soppy! And oh- how it made me so very homesick for England. xxx

  14. Hi Louise

    It’s good to see you here- and you’re not late. There’s no cut off time to add comments to any of the blogs !
    There were so many tear to the eye moments weren’t there? It mattered so much to each athlete- not just because they wanted to win a medal- I’m sure quite a few knew they wouldn’t- but because they didn’t want to let themselves, family and friends down. Perhaps that would be a good topic for a blog one day? Is it better to have your child try and fail- or not try at all?

  15. I’m late, too, but wanted to comment. My favorite part of the Olympics was sitting and watching the various taekwondo events…only because my son sat and watched it with me (he’s earned his green belt). It was special being able to share something that’s important to him. And since he started taking lessons here in Brazil, he was cheering on the Brazilian athletes, of course!

  16. I was actually thinking of you when I was watching a Brazilian team, Tina, but for the life of me I can’t remember what they were competing in. Maybe it was pictures of them having fun in the closing ceremony?

    I watched a tiny bit of taekwondo- but there was so much going on at the same time- I couldn’t stop myself flicking from even to ev1ent. I spent a lot of time watching the gymnasts. The beam routines made me catch my breath

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